Chicken Coop Flooring Materials – Wood Is Great, But There Are More!

Chicken Coop Flooring Materials – Wood Is Great, But There Are More!

If you’re in the process of building your chicken coop and are wondering what flooring materials to use, you’re not alone. The vast majority of us coop owners use a wood floor, either plywood, tongue and groove or similar. But there are a lot of other options out there that work just as good…in fact…

Does a chicken coop need to be off the ground?

Does A Chicken Coop Need To Be Off The Ground? Our Top 6 Reasons Why It’s A Good Idea

What’s the deal with all those coops you see elevated off the ground? It’s a popular coop design feature, and for good reason! But DOES a chicken coop need to be off the ground? We think yes for the many benefits it provides: Convenience for cleaning, handling chickens, gathering eggs. (a back saver) Shade for…

dogs that protect chickens

Best Dog Breeds To Protect Chickens – Everything You Need To Know

While a dog might be man’s best friend, they can also be loyal to your chickens! Keeping your chickens protected is one of the most important parts of having chickens. There are plenty of ways to make your coop predator proof, and having a dog is one of them. In this article we’ll discuss the…

How to make money with chickens

There’s Money In Your Coop! Raising Free Range Chickens For Profit

Raising your chickens free range has become a popular trend among chicken owners. Being able to see your chickens outside, under sunlight is more appealing than seeing them confined in the coop. While there is a huge list of perks for why you should raise free-range chickens, one of them is that you’ll profit more…

best way to catch a chicken

What Is Best Way To Catch A Chicken – We List 10 But For The Best Think Easy

If you’ve ever found yourself out of breath trying to catch a wily chicken, this article is for you. It’s not as easy as it may seem. Though there are several methods out there, we’ll discuss our opinion on the BEST way to catch a chicken. We might also argue it’s the easiest as well….

should i use sand for chicken coop

What Is The Best Sand For Your Chicken Coop?

Finding the best litter for your chicken coop can be a bit of a journey for many chicken enthusiasts. After all, opinions can vary wildly on the topic. The best way to find out which litter works best for YOUR coop is through lots of research and experimentation. For some flock owners experimentation, or curiosity,…

tire for nest

How Big Should A Chicken Nest Box Be? Honestly, It’s Not That Picky

If you’re in the process of building or designing your chicken coop, you may have stumbled across this article because you’re wondering just how big should a chicken nest box be? The answer is actually quite simple. It doesn’t matter! Ok, we should probably clarify this a little bit. Obviously if you build nest boxes…

solar panel for chicken coop

Should I Install A Solar Panel On My Chicken Coop?

Every chicken owner knows how important it is to keep your chicken coop well lit and ventilated. But what if you can accomplish this while also reducing your carbon footprint? You can with solar panels. While, for beginners, buying solar panels and figuring out if one will work for your farm can be difficult, we’ve…