This next design is a big un’! It’s a free 8×16 chicken coop plan that is stationary. The printable downloadable PDF of it is below.
If you’re looking to house A LOT of chickens, this may be the plan for you. At 8ft x 16ft, this coop can house anywhere from 18 to 36 chickens, depending on the size of chickens you’re raising and what sf/chicken ratio you want to use. (see “Cheatsheet diagram).
The actual living/coop space in this coop design totals 72 sf (square feet) since the floor size in the enclosed coop area is 8ft x 9ft. With the run attached, it’s 128 sf but we are determining size based primarily on where the flock lives and roosts.

Our diagram of recommended space requirements is below. Generally speaking, you’re looking at anywhere from 2sf to 4 sf per chicken IN the coop. More space is required in the run.

Alrighty folks….here’s the big plan!
8×16Modification Thoughts
This plan is a sweet design for a stationary coop. We spotted a few areas in the plan where some direction would be helpful. If you’re an experienced builder or DIYer, you may not need these tips but we wanted to jot them down as a way to make building this coop easier.
Roof Trusses, Wall framing
The roof trusses and framing of the walls are not easily seen so we asked for a close up view of them.
For a detailed tutorial on how to do basic wall framing, see this great article by FamilyHandyman.

Ventilation Holes
We thought some additional ventilation would also be helpful, although with windows/screens in it, they can be opened for ventilation as well. However, the added vents allow for better cross ventilation.

Hardware Cloth
We recommend using hardware cloth vs chicken wire for the mesh netting around the run. It costs a bit more, but it will last longer and can better hold out predators!
Either 1/4 or 1/2 inch squares work great. It’s available at hardware stores, Home Depot, or online.

Finding small windows can be challenging. We recommend trying businesses that sell used or repurposed windows for a great deal.
Because of the smaller size opening, you may need to custom order one. If you go this route, we recommend getting one with a screen for better ventilation.
Closing Thoughts
This coop could be a great design if you’re looking for a large stationary design with a run attached.
With a stationary design, you’ll have to keep in mind good bedding options for the run since your flock will be spending a lot of time in it. We talk about good run flooring ideas in this article.
We hope this coop provides some inspiration for building a LARGE chicken coop! If it’s not quite what you’re looking for, check out our other FREE plans all through the site.
Thanks for stopping by!