If you’re a backyard chicken owner, you may not want or need a huge chicken coop in your yard. Sometimes small is good, which brings us to our next coop. It’s a free chicken coop plan for two chickens.
It’s dimensions are 2 feet by 4 feet, standing roughly three feet tall. Flashy may not be the word to describe this design, but it’s not an eyesore either! With the right paint job, this little coop could be a beauty.
We have noticed there are not a lot of free chicken coop plans for two chickens on the internet so we’ll try to add more as time allows.
The plan, in PDF, is below and can be downloaded as well. We hope you enjoy it!
Free Chicken Coop Plan For Two Chickens
Chicken-coop-plan-2-chickensIdeas For Possible Revisions
It’s a simple practical design and can be modified to your liking. Honestly, we like this coop design as is, but there is plenty of room to add your own twist to it.
Technically, the current dimensions are big enough to hold up to four chickens. Therefore, this design could be made to a smaller scale and still accommodate 2 chickens.
For example, you can make it 2 ft deep by 3 ft wide (vs 4 ft wide as stated in plan) and still easily hold 2 chickens. By doing this, you’ll leave an even smaller blueprint in your yard. if you like the idea of having a small coop, but still want to own a couple chickens.
Conversely, if you want a larger coop, make the dimensions larger! We provide a nearly identical design for more chickens in this plan.
You can find more on coop size requirements per chicken, and which accessories are needed for your coop here.
Roof Ideas
The design shows adding a metal roof, which will definitely last a long time and shield the coop from the elements.
But if you want to save time and some expense, you can also build it with just exterior grade plywood. This will hold up well against the elements, and remain durable.
Plus, you can paint it whatever color tickles your fancy! Heck, paint a nice design on the lid for that added artistic flare. There is a lot of room for creativity when building your own coop.
Make It Mobile
If you want to easily move the coop around your yard, think about adding some swivel wheels to each corner stilt.
Although there are a lot of wheel options, we suggest basic swivel castor wheels, or pneumatic tires should work well. This coop is light enough that it can be moved by two people easily. But wheels can give it that added ease if desired.
A roost is not shown in the plan, but can be added anywhere you choose. Below is an idea of where we would place it.
This placement provides roughly 2 feet of roost space for each chicken, which is ample.

Closing Thoughts
We hope you enjoy this lovely and practical plan! If you’re wanting to build a chicken coop, but feel too overwhelmed about building a large structure, this design is a great one to start with.
If this plan doesn’t suit your needs, check out our other free or paid plans. Thanks for stopping by!
Happy ‘Chickening’
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