We are really excited about this free chicken coop plan we are posting for our readers. It’s an 8×10 chicken coop plan (2.4 meters x 3.05 meters) which is very detailed and ready to build!
Some plans we purchase are more of a guide and some level of detail is missing. They are still very useful, but will leave you having to get creative on design at times. This free coop design is ready to build and it’s a dandy!
How many chickens will an 8×10 coop hold? The answer depends on what you see as an appropriate amount of space per chicken. Some people feel 4 sf per chicken is adequate, others think 3 sf, and yet others think 2 sf is just fine. We like the 3 to 4 sf per chicken – not too big, not too small.
So here’s how it breaks down: 8 x 10 = 80 square feet;
- 80sf/4sf = 20 chickens (larger breeds)
- 80sf/3sf = 27 chickens (larger breeds)
- 80sf/2sf = 40 chickens (larger breeds)
Chicken Breed Sizes
Another factor to consider is size of chicken breed. Large chickens like Wyandottes will need more space. Medium sized breeds like Leghorns will not need as much space, and smaller breeds like Bantams will need even less.
For a complete breakdown, see our comprehensive guide. If you want to see a wide array of opinions on the topic, see this thread at the Backyard Chickens Forum, a very helpful place to talk chickens! There really is a lot of variance of this topic.
Our recommendations are stated above but you’ll also need to take into account whether you have a run attached, are free ranging your flock, or will have them confined in the coop. Ultimately, you’ll have to decide what works best for you and that’s a fun dilemma to have!
Okay – onto the plan already!
A Few Thoughts On Design
The plan is ready to build as-is. If you are wanting some additional ideas on design or possible improvements, read on. These ideas are really just preferences, and won’t necessarily add anything more of value to it.
We would suggest using pressure treated plywood, T-111, or some type of weatherproof building materials. You could also consider installing siding over the plywood for a more finished look.
As shown in the plan, metal roofing is great and the most long lasting, maintenance free material to use. Asphalt shingles or roll roofing will also work well, however, and costs less than metal roofing.
We’ve used all 3 types of materials on our homes, sheds, and other coops and have no issues with any of them. Roll roofing will not last as long as asphalt shingles or metal roofing but will give you at least 5 years before needing to replace or add another layer of roofing over it.
More ideas on roofing can be found here.
Here’s a video showing how to do roofing the right way…
The plan shows block foundation, which will work just fine. You can also consider using 2 foot stilts attached under each of the 4 corners, which can help keep predators out, and keep critters like rats, mice, rabbits, etc, from setting up residence underneath the coop.
These animals are drawn to the chicken feed and shelter under the coop so by elevating it, they are less apt to do so.
Where stilts can be added…

The floor joists are spaced 1 foot on center. This is great but you can easily get by having them spaced 2 foot on center, which is what most houses have. Plus, it will save some time and money on the floor – always a bonus!
We discuss chicken coop flooring ideas here.
If you want to order a custom window to fit the size of the opening in the plan, go for it! It’ll work just fine.
However, if you see an inexpensive window you like from Craigslist, or clearance priced at Home Depot, feel free to nab it and just adjust the framing to accommodate it. We have done this when we built our coop, and it worked great!
More information on windows for your coop can be found in this article.
Closing Thoughts
We hope you found this plan to be helpful! The plan and ideas above are meant to be a detailed guide for you. There are many things to take into account when building a chicken coop, and we are not contractors. So please consult a carpenter or the helpful folks at building supplies stores like Home Depot or Lowes for professional advice.
Building your own chicken coop is a blast! Just FYI, you will likely get frustrated and downright angry at times if or when you run into trouble building it. It’s just part of the process. But the end result is so worth it!
Seeing your flock in a coop you built yourself is very rewarding. We wish you the best of luck in building yours. Happy chickening.