We like this next design for it’s simple yet solid construction. It’s a 4×4 mobile chicken coop plan which includes a long handle and 4 wheels that swivel to easily move it around the yard.
We look for plans we can buy to post for free on our website, hoping they are solid and fairly easy to follow…notice we didn’t say easy to build! The building part always takes a bit of work, but can be fun when you create something with your own hands.
Just know we are not carpenters, drafters, or anything of the sort so can’t guarantee the plans are perfectly ready to build right from the plan. For professional advice or plans, consult an architect or general contractor.
How Many Chickens Will A 4×4 Coop Hold? In short, it could break down like this:
- 2 chickens per sf = 8 chickens
- 3 chickens/sf = 5 or 6 chickens
- 4 chickens/sf = 4 chickens
Read on for caveats in the above list since the answer can vary wildly depending on who you talk to. It’s also dependent on size of chickens, among other factors.
But essentially, the general formula is anywhere between 2 sf (square feet), 3 sf, or 4 sf per chicken in the coop. So in a 4×4 chicken coop, there is 16 sf (basically 4ft x 4ft = 16sf, basic math). So the number of chickens breaks down as listed above.
An important factor to consider here is whether you have a run or not. If they have a run attached or are free ranging (no constraints, free to roam), you can get by having up to 8 (or more) chickens in the coop since they’ll really only be using it to eat a bit during the day and roost in at night.
But If you are confining them to the coop, we would not recommend more than 4 chickens as they’ll need as much space as possible. We highly recommend a run of some type, even if it’s a small one since the outside air and ability to forage is important.
We free range ours when we can – they love it, and always make it back to the coop at night to rest!
Another determinant is size of chickens. You’ll be able to house more smaller breeds like Bantams than medium sized breeds like Leghorns, or large breeds like Buff Orpington or similar sized breeds.
More on coop size requirements and how to set up your coop can be found in this guide.
Below is the plan, available in PDF to print or download. To see the PDF, hover over the image – you can then scroll through each page individually. Or simply download and/or print it. When I build something, I like to have the paper plan nearby for quick reference.
Mobile-Coop-4×4-fvr-fabi-finalIdeas For Revisions/Modifications
This coop looks fairly straightforward to build. Notice we didn’t say easy! Plus, we are not carpenters so take what we discuss as simple observations, looking at the plan from an outside point of view.
As for materials, it’s framed with 2×4’s, exterior grade siding for the walls, and 1×2 boards for the trim. This will make a very sturdy coop!
It’s tempting to use 2×2 framing which many of the chicken coop kits are built with because it’s lighter and less expensive (but not by much). But we recommend sticking with the 2×4 framing as shown in the plan.
Although it will add more weight to it, it will be more solid and last longer. Plus, if you need to step into the coop to clean it, make revisions, add a feeder, etc., the 2×4 framing will support your weight much better, reducing the likelihood of cracking the frame.
A traditional wagon handle, similar to one you’d see on a children’s wagon, would work great. However, the coop is heavier than a wagon so buying a heavier duty one may be a good idea. There are many to choose from on Amazon.
There are MANY variations to choose from here. We like strap hinges because they are larger and perform better than smaller hinges. Get the heavy duty variety, and we suggest nothing smaller than 4 inches. You can find them here or at your local hardware store.
We suggest using pneumatic wheels that can swivel. They are found at the hardware store or online. The swivel function is very helpful for easy maneuvering through the yard. To learn more about wheels for your coop, read this article.
Rungs or steps could be added to the ramp for the chickens to give them more traction for walking into the coop. Three or four 1×1 boards around 8 to 10 inches wide spaced about 5 inches apart would work slick!

The above ideas for possible revisions are simply that…ideas. You can make any modifications to the coop you like, depending on what you want in a design for your flock. Or, simply build the coop as it’s drawn up in the plan! Your choice.
Closing Thoughts
We hope this plan inspires you to build your own chicken coop. Although building one takes work, the end result is so worth it. When you see your chickens enjoying the coop you built, it’s incredibly rewarding!
Best of luck to you! Happy ‘chickening’