This collection of plans named “Building A Chicken Coop” was created by Bill Keene back in 2009. We’re including his grouping of plans on our website because of their overall quality. The fact that these plans are still selling strongly after 10 years online is telling.
He has a large selection of chicken coop plans, ranging from small to large coop, and there are hundreds of testimonials out there which verify their quality.

- Easy to clean.
- Includes plans for 2 to 50 chickens.
- Plans are Downloadable/ready to print.
- Plans are Easy to follow, including detailed drawings, graphs.
- No fancy woodworking tools required.
- Includes bonus materials i.e.
Building A Chicken Coop [PDF] – $57 Value
Bonus #1: How To Best Position Your Chicken Coop [PDF] – $9.95 Value
Bonus #2: How To Build Nesting Boxes Using Common Materials [PDF]- $9.95 Value
Bonus #3: The Best Materials For The Ground in [PDF] – $9.95 Value
Bonus #4: The Cheapest Materials To Build Your Coop Out Of [PDF] – $9.95 Value
Bonus #5: Organic Gardening eBook Library [PDF] – $80 Value - A lot of information provided for the price.
- Provides 60 day Money Back Guarantee, making it risk free.
- Some of the information in the bonus materials about raising chickens, what feed to provide etc caters more to the beginning chicken farmer. Not a bad thing, it’s just that expert chicken farmers may already know much of the information presented about raising chickens.
- After finding additional reviews, some people who bought these plans said they were not as easy to follow as stated, but many kept the plans and made modifications as needed because the photos/diagrams were helpful.
- If you’ve never built anything like this before, expect to put in some added time. It may take much longer than stated.


We know this product is not perfect and cannot possibly work for everyone, as we found in our research. The plans appear easy to build but if you’ve never built anything like this before, it will certainly feel challenging!
However, since these plans are still available after 10 years and there are scores of positive reviews and user experiences, we know that, for the most part, this is still a product worth buying if you’re looking for quality chicken coop plans.